Sunday, December 14, 2008

Have you seen me?

My tabby is missing. My cats are my children. All 4 are inside cats 90% of the time, so for Doo-dah to take off means something really scared her. It was enough that she did not run in the house and hide under the bed.

Doo is probably the most skittish out of all of my cats. We rescued her off the streets a little over 6 years ago, and she gave our most precious gift, Lucy. Doo spent the 1st few months under the tv in the spare bedroom and under our bed. She only came out at night when we were sleeping. Let's just say that the 2 other cats were not very friendly towards her.

She quickly won my heart; from her mid-air jumps in the middle of the living room, to the way we communicate via whistles, I sure do love that girl!

I have left info at the animal shelter, on craigslist, made posters, and walked the neighborhood. Since she's shy, I am not sure that she would come to anyone else. There have been times I've been looking for her in the house, calling her name, whistling, and she won't budge.

Doo-dah, come home girl....we miss you!

I just want her to come home. The streets around here are crazy. I know animals can take care of themselves. It's cold and rainy, so I can't stop thinking about her.


Rose said...

They usually come home after a few days. Every cat has to have its 'walkabout' it seems. Good luck!

Just a Small Town Girl said...

I sure hope so. I know cats have their own way of knowing how to get home. Thanks =)

Kym said...

I hope you find her. I agree with Rose though. My cat sometimes takes off for a couple days. I hope that is what happened with yours.

Fred Mangels said...

True. Once our Miss Kitty just disappeared for a couple days. She was fine last I saw her and then nowhere to be found.

I looked all over and even went and knocked on some neighbor's doors. Nothing. I figured she must be really sick or something.

I think it was the morning of the second or third day I was sitting at the computer and turned around and there she was at the back door as if nothing ever happened. I let her in the house and that was that.

She never would tell us where she went.

Rose said...

They never do, Fred.

Fred Mangels said...

Hey! I'm watching a thing on Animal Planet tonight on various cats and ones that have gone missing. one couple actually put a camera on their cats collar to record where she went. The camera was set to take pics every two seconds.

Neat pictures that they showed on TV, but I can't help but think those were all the pics that were taken. A camera can only take so may pictures.

Also, the cat didn't go missing, in this case. I guess they just wanted to know how it spent its day.

Just a Small Town Girl said...

still cool Fred! I have already bought collars and name tags for my remaining "kids". I hope this does not happen in the future, but if it does, at least they'll have id!

Fred Mangels said...

We tried putting collars on at least one of our kittens years ago. They had bells attached so they couldn't sneak up on birds. I don't remember if it was all the kittens or just Mr. Tom. Mr Tom always managed to take his off,though.

As for ID collars, I thought the Arkleys (of Rob and Cherie Arkely of Eureka) do it best. All their dogs have bright colored nylon collars- easy to see at night. Then, they have a phone number written in large numbers with a magic marker on the collar. I assume that's the number to call if one of the dogs is found.

Great idea, I thought. I've run into lost dogs before where the license or ID tags were so worn I couldn't read the numbers on them. The way the Arkleys did it, there should be no problem reading the number.

Rose said...

I've never known a cat to keep a collar. Dogs are better about it. My kids are always wanting to get cute collars for the cats, and I nix it because I know it'll end up in some bush somewhere.

I hope your kitty comes home - it is worth asking around the neighborhood, we have had them end up locked in somebody's shed.

Rachelle S said...

:( Ohhh how sad. I hope she comes home.

Just a Small Town Girl said...

Thanks everyone, it's been 2 weeks today. My hope is that she is in someones house, under their house, or even in a wood shed. I've got to get out this weekend and knock on doors.

I miss all the "little things" about her. We "talk" to each other by whistling, and I miss our daily conversations. It's sickening, but 2 of my other cats have been oddly happy the last 2 weeks.