Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Almost a year ago....

Halloween 07 was supposed to be fun. It started out okay, then lunchtime hit. I got a phone call from the hubby. He tells me that EPD is out in the parking lot, and thay my car got hit. Funny ha ha hubby, nice joke. Then he tells me again. I freak out, slam down the phone, tell my buddy Robert (the Security Director), and go running out to the parking lot. Robert comes with me, because he parked next to me that day. We'd been parking buddys for the last few months. Here is what we come outside and find...

Nice, huh?? The cops are there (I already mentioned that)...and they are asking me all sorts of questions you know of anyone who would do this? Hell no I don't! Do you know anyone that owns a white Sportrac? NO!! I wanted to cry but couldn't...

I am so pissed I can't see straight, and I call my aunts house to scream and yell, and VENT...I am all frazzled about where my car is going, how I am going to get home, what am I going to do!!!

So Robert and I give all our info to EPD, we call our insurance companies, and arrangements are made for my car to go to the body shop, and for me to get a rental car.

I spent the next few days on a witch-hunt looking for this damn bastard that hit me. A quick review of surveillance footage pulls up nothing. Oh, that's just great!! But, alas, I was not there to help review footage! I help, and look what we find:
Here is the suspect WITH A CHILD, crossing the road to enter Mervyn's. The vehicle, a white Ford Sport-trac, can be seen in plain view:

Now the vehicle is leaving. Since the camera pans, we do not see him get back in the vehicle...

Here's the vehicle a couple of seconds later...he's at the right of the screen, and has started to make a turn. In the video footage, it was a sharp left turn over 3 rows of the parking lot

and now, the moment you have been waiting for...........

is not all there!! The camera panned down just seconds before impact. How perfect!!
But here is the next frame...when the camera comes back...

To sum up the rest, I thought I found the truck, the cops said No. I had a brand new vehicle with $6000 in damage. On a scale of 1-10 for help, EPD gave me 5. I paid my $500 deductible, and waited 5 weeks to get my car back.
I still look for the bastard that did this. They will be found, I won't rest until they are! I only wish that I was some high-fi techie that could magically zoom in and clear up the photo of the license plate to nail the fucker!
Oh, did I mention there was a witness?? He called 911 and reported the vehicle, but did not get a plate. He told the dispatcher that the guy got to the curb, gunned it, hit me, then backed up and took off. Nice! If I saw something like that, I'd follow the jackass until I could get a plate #, or at least a partial! I know that's not what they want you to do because it's not safe, but come'on!

1 comment:

Kym said...

This is so unbelievably horrible. Who would do something like that?